Reach-In Solid Swing Two Door Refrigerator with Hydrocarbon Refrigerant

SKU: T-49-HC
Equipment Financing Available - Click To Apply

  • True’s solid door reach-in’s are designed with enduring quality that protects your long term investment.
  • Designed using the highest quality materials and components to provide the user with colder product temperatures, lower utility costs, exceptional food safety and the best value in today’s food service marketplace.
  • Factory engineered, self-contained, capillary tube system using environmentally friendly R290 hydro carbon refrigerant that has zero (0) ozone depletion potential (ODP), & three (3) global warming potential (GWP).
  • High capacity, factory balanced refrigeration system that maintains cabinet temperatures of 33°F to 38°F (.5°C to 3.3°C) for the best in food preservation.
  • Adjustable, heavy duty PVC coated shelves.
  • Positive seal self-closing doors. Lifetime guaranteed door hinges and torsion type closure system.